Home Investors Meet 12. Investors Meet

12. Investors Meet


One on One meeting with investors.
All information supplied will be kept confidential.
100% Guaranteed to meet healthcare business investors.
Investors will give at least 20 to 30 minute’s time or as per their requirements.
All meeting must finish within specified time.



Important Investors Meet Terms will apply with addition of Event Terms as below:

  1. Upon Payment to TraceXpert, it confirms that you have accepted all Investors Meet and Event Terms.
  2. Your Payment $2590.00 is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  3. Pay to “TraceXpert Solutions Inc.”
  4. HRIMM will allow to meet maximum 1 investor only.
  5. If you want to meet another Investor then you will need to submit request and payment again. Contact Event Manager via email: Events@HRIMM.com.
  6. You will need to meet in person at Event Center. Online meeting option NOT available.
  7. NO Camera, NO Video call and NO Recording in Meeting Room except HRIMM’s authorized camera will record for security purpose.
  8. You will need to submit business and project profile at least 5 days before Event start date to review for Investors. Failure of submitting of documents will get NO schedule meeting. In that situation, point 2 of above will apply.
  9. Once documents submitted to investors, no changes, add, edit will be allowed on documents until meeting with investors. You need to talk directly to Investors add, edit documents. Last moment changes Investors may not consider and your meeting may drop out by Investor. You will be 100% responsible for your submission of documents.
  10. HRIMM will not provide Investors name, company or contact information before meeting starts. Investors will decide for next step to move on.
  11. After reviewing your submitted documents, Investors will pick the project, company to meet and schedule meeting.
  12. If none of the Investor will select your project and not getting schedule then your money will be return within 7 business days after event, to your credit / debit card or bank account after deducting bank charges. (3.5% bank charges will be applied). GBW never issue checks or cash for any payment.
  13. HRIMM will never interfere in any decisions taken by Investors.
  14. HRIMM never recommend any investors or any investment seekers, never give referrals, and never prioritize any investment projects.
  15. Investors may ask for more documents, or meet at your place or office for next processes or they may ask for further information which is your responsibility to provide information.
  16. Investors decision will be final decisions. Your funding may approve in 1st meeting at event center or may be multiple meeting required at different location.
  17. HRIMM will not responsible for funding approve or not approve by Investor.
  18. HRIMM will never ask Investment seekers for any type of commissions, percentage of any approval of investments.
  19. HRIMM will never interact with investors before or after meeting or any pending or approved or denial decisions by Investors.
  20. You can showcase your product or products in any physical or virtual forms. In case of virtual form, you will need to bring your media (audio / video) files in USB drive or link to run internet. This will not allow audio or video calls through internet or phone outside of meeting room.
  21. You will be responsible to bring your products, electronics devices to Event Center and take back to your location.
  22. Any left over products and devices will be immediately removed from Investors meeting room upon completion of meeting. Removed items will be kept at designated docking area for 24 hours only. After 24 hours it will moved to trash.
  23. HRIMM will not responsible for damage of any device, products that you bring to Event Center.
  24. HRIMM will never provide insurance or any claims reimbursement of your products and device that came for demo purpose.
  25. You will be responsible to pay for any damage while bringing in and out of your products to the Event Center including other company’s property damage by you.